Bitcoin Suisse takes measures to further enhance data protection in light of recent incident

May 28, 2023 - 5 min read

Zug, May 28, 2023 – Bitcoin Suisse has detected a data breach with an external company hosting a legacy system that is no longer in use since 2018. This external hosting company was exposed to social engineering. At Bitcoin Suisse, we have always prioritized the protection of our clients’ information and we have robust security measures in place. However, despite our high security standards, cyber threats continue to evolve in our industry and in general. We have identified a temporary unauthorized access that may have resulted in the potential exposure of certain historic data stored in a legacy system.

The security of any client assets and Bitcoin Suisse Online is not impacted in any way. No user passwords or Two-Factor-Authentication (2FA) details of any clients of Bitcoin Suisse have been exposed. All Bitcoin Suisse services are available as usual, and all our other systems and business operations are not affected in any way.

While we are analyzing the concrete impact of this incident together with the external hosting company, an initial assessment shows that it concerns a limited amount of archived client data (e.g., correspondence) from 2013 to early May 2018.

Immediately upon detecting the incident, we established a task force to thoroughly analyze the situation, assess any potential impact and prevent any recurrence of such an incident in the future. Bitcoin Suisse is working closely with cybersecurity experts and the relevant authorities. Potentially affected clients have been informed separately.

Bitcoin Suisse apologizes to potentially affected clients for any inconvenience this incident may cause to them. The primary concern of Bitcoin Suisse is the privacy of its clients and the security of their data and assets.


Bitcoin Suisse